Subbing The Subbing
2016 Made in Bangkok, Thailand
Work format: Video installation (Dimension variable)
Materials: 2 TVs
In Spain, there is a town inhabited by people with the surname Japón, which means Japan in Spanish.
400 years ago a group of Samurai traveled to Europe for some missions.
During their journey, Christianity was prohibited in Japan and some of the Samurais decided to remain to live in Spain to live as Christian. Those named Japón in the Spanish town today are regarded as possible descendants of the Samurai from history.
The work EL JAPONÉS aligns the artist himself as a “Japanese person who just came from Japan” and Mrs. Japón as a “descendant of historically the first migrant from Japan”.
The dialog itself looks like a simple praise of communication but the two juxtaposed "Japanese" people imply and ask different notions such as "nationality", "race" and "immigrant integration".
Special thanks: Mr. and Ms. Japóns whom I met in Coria del Rio
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2022 at Doubutsuen-mae Shopping street, Osaka, Japan / 动物园前商店街(大阪)/ 動物園前商店街(大阪)
Work format: Performance recorded with iphone screen recording / 苹果手机录屏 / iphone画面録画
Materials: tarpaulin / 防水布 / ターポリン(2000 x 3000 mm / 1750 x 1500 mm) , any monitor / 电视监视器 /モニター
Kalpa is known as a serial killer who will go down in Taiwan's criminal history in the years to come, but today he is a young man who looks like he can be a normal guy. However, his origins and upbringing are all a mystery, and the reason why he has adopted a "normal" appearance is because he wants to enjoy killing on a daily basis without being found out.
He has been committing murders not for any person or organization, but only for his own pleasure. At one point in his life, he found it difficult to control his ever-increasing urge to destroy people. As a way of satisfying this urge in the best possible way, he has entered The World Fighting Tournament, where he can compete against the strongest and wildest fighters in the world.
Name of the character: Kalpa
Age: 21
Gender: male